More and more people are tuning to alternative ways of healing, from nutrition, to homeopathy or lifestyle changes and Reiki is certainly included in this category.
The name Reiki translates as, Rei meaning UNIVERSAL and Ki meaning LIFE FORCE.
Reiki was rediscovered by Doctor Mikao Usui in the early 20th Century but is actually a very ancient form of healing, it can be used to remove negative energy, provide healing and create a positive environment not only for people but also for animals, plants and more.
Reiki is often referred to as a “complementary” healing by the medical profession and many doctors and practices do recognise and welcome the idea of a patient undertaking reiki healing.
In a society where pressure and stress are often pushing people in their daily life, Reiki provides a support to help with these emotions as well as a deeper healing in ways that we don’t always understand but work in the areas that are needed at that moment in time.
Reiki healing is a pure energy and as such will make you feel positive, happy and loved. When negative energy is removed the person will feel uplifted and more confident.
Reiki can be practiced in person or distant, in both cases the outcome is the same and the healing is just as effective.
Distant healing means that the Healer and the person receiving the healing are in two different places, this is a standard technique that is currently used more and more because not only it provides more opportunities (can carry out a healing anywhere in the world), but for many people it is nice to receive a healing from the comfort of their own home or in some cases they might not be well enough to make their way to the Healer.
Personally I enjoy both, I love the interactions with people and at the same time I appreciate the flexibility of a healing done remotely, I always leave the choice to the person receiving the healing as to which one they wish to chose.
When we work on the main 7 Chakras we improve all aspects of ourselves, including the physical and emotional side. During this healing I can also work on specific issues like traumas or physical issues that need support to heal more effectively or faster.
Crystals are widely recognised as powerful healers, I work with many different crystals based on the needs of the Client and I can use many different techniques.
Crystals can be used to clear and heal Chakras, parts of our body, emotions and our aura.
Reiki and Crystal Healing work perfectly together and complement each other, the perfect balance which makes the healing deeper, faster and more effective.
One of my favourite session is a reading which highlights the area that needs focus followed by a healing working on the outcome of the reading. I truly believe this allows me and the Client to work deeper together, bringing out to the surface specific situations or emotions, making the healing more effective and faster.
Our fairy friends also need extra help from time to time, whether they are suffering from emotional traumas (i.e. rescue pet), issues with other animals or physical issues, Reiki can assist them greatly in their recovery or to overcome their problems.
All animals can receive healing, not just dogs or cats, reiki is also very popular with horses, fishes and any other form of pets.
Shadow work is a very specific Healing journey, very often we hide away parts of ourselves which are too painful to face and as a result our life and the choices we make on a daily basis can be affected.
I offer a bespoke package of 5 Healing sessions working with the Client to heal those parts of themselves that need to be integrated. Between every session I will provide you with tools to complement the Healing sessions and that are specifically designed for you, I will also provide you with my own guided meditations.
This Healing is particularly beneficial to people who have suffered traumas and struggle emotionally, as well as people who wish to go deeper in their personal healing.